It allows continuous detection of particles passing through its sensitive volume.
The chamber visualises the tracks of the particles by forming alcohol droplets on the electrical charges (ions) that each ionising particle leaves along its track. For this to happen, the vapour must be supersaturated, i.e. ready to form mist. This condition occurs near the cold bottom of the chamber (around -30°C) where the vapour diffusing from above is oversaturated, thus forming a visible droplet trail.
One can thus see various types of particles such as alpha particles (they ionise a lot, creating dense and relatively short tracks), electrons (thin and tortuous tracks that sometimes cross the entire chamber) and cosmic radiation particles. Alpha particles (helium nuclei, i.e. two protons and two neutrons bound together) are almost always due to decays of radon, which is always present in very small quantities in the air, while electrons have various origins: beta decays (electron coming out of the nucleus), photoelectrons and Compton electrons produced by diffuse gamma radioactivity. Although not frequently, cosmic ray events characterised by longer tracks can sometimes be seen.